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An American Christmas (short story)

Creators: Alice Nash

Short story by Alice Nash centering on an elderly Issei woman in contemporary New York. As she struggles to carry a bag of rice home to her apartment, she reflects on her arrival in New York with her late husband after leaving the concentration camp and the kind Yamaguchi family who put them up while refusing to take money from them. They eventually opened a cleaning shop that helped pay for their only son's college education. A successful businessman in California, the son takes her on a trip every year, but largely keeps her away from her grandchildren due to his white wife's discomfort with her. When she gets back to her apartment, the family of the building's supervisor, the Gonzalez family, invites her to their home to help decorate their Christmas tree.

Authored by Brian Niiya , Densho

Might also like " One with the Angels " by Yachiyo Uehara; " Time of Decay " by Ferris Takahashi; " Heiji " by Jeff Tsuyoshi Matsuda

Media Details
Author Alice Nash
Publication Date 1985
For More Information

For More Information

Nash, Alice. "An American Christmas." Pacific Citizen , Dec. 20–27, 1985, B-66.