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Browse > Time > 1940s and 2016

1 articles

Three Boys Manzanar (film)

  • Films and Video
  • Grades 9-12, Adult
  • Documentary
  • Expression through art, Growing up – pain or pleasure, Reunion
  • Widely available

Short documentary film about the three boys in the iconic Toyo Miyatake photograph that pictures them outside the barbed wire fence—with two of them grasping the fence—with a guard tower in the background. The three boys—Mas Ooka, Bruce Sansui, and Bob Takamoto—now men in their eighties, talk briefly about their memories of Manzanar and the things they did as kids there. Mas's daughter, Akemi Ooka, narrates the film, which concludes with a recreation of the photo at the Manzanar National Historic Site .
